I am worried

Donald Trump has been president of the United States in just a month, and the damage he has done so far is staggering. What happens “at home” in the States is one thing, but when he tries to change history and make Vladimir Putin a victim of war, a war Mr. Putin started

For the first few weeks after the election, I refrained from checking the news. Maybe I should go back doing just that. I can do anything, except voice my worries, so I guess nothing good can come out of reading the news.

The consequences are high, and the damage that can be done in four years might be irreversible. The best we can hope fore is strong European leaders, and that America does not go to war against Europe together with Russia, in the hope to share the spoils between them.

When you have a hammer, everything looks like a nail. When you are Donald Trump, everything looks like real estate.