Category Archives: English

NimBUS and Regular Expressions

I recently had to configure NimBUS to send alarm upon detecting a specific log entry in /var/log/messages on a Linux system. Because this alarm was supposed to be sent by SMS , I didn’t want it to send more than one message. But since our log file has a timestamp, each entry were we found a match would be handled as a unique alarm, thus sending one message for each log entry where the mach was found.

If the string we were looking for first would appear, it would most likely show up somewhere between 5 to 50 times within an hour.It’s hard to guess, really. But we are looking for a problem that won’t solve itself, and the program checking for this problem will continue to write to the log file upon each encounter with the problem.

The way to solve this kind of problem, where we want to ignore the timestamp, is to understand how NimBUS handle incoming alarms. If it receives the same message two or more times, it would just upper the count, instead of creating a new entry in the alarm window.

Lets say our log file looks like this:

Mar 14 14:55:35 ErrorCheck: Oh noes, error detected in A51
Mar 14 14:57:32 ErrorCheck: Oh noes, error detected in A51

We only want to get one alarm, but with a count of two (actually one), not two alarms which is identical except for the timestamp. First, set up logmon to detect the correct line in the log file using regular expressions. The logmon probe supports both pattern recognition and regular expressions, so make sure to use the right one. Regex starts and end with a forward slash, otherwise it assumes pattern is used.

In this case we can use the following simple regex:


Of course my regex where more advanced since I had to detect other parameters as well, since the output of our program also had to be checked.

Now, with this regex in place, we are at the point where every entry will be treated uniquely. But logmon also give you the possibility to construct your own message, and to define variables. And that is what we have to do.

We can construct variables both by row or column number. Since this is a single line, we will use the column offset. So, let us create the variables:

prog = column number 4
error = column number 10

This is only a simplified view. The logmon probe has a user interface for this. Right click, add new variable (or something like that).

When this is done, add your own message text in the field saying so:

$prog: Error detected in $error

When this is set as the outbound message, NimBUS will count it instead of creating a new entry in the alarm view each time, since the message now is identical. If the error code changes, a new alarm will be sent.

Short version:

Create your own output message when using NimBUS logmon probe on a log file which has a timestamp.

(This short version was a lot better and could have saved me some time)

12 months in the Apple garden

About a year ago, a friend of mine bought his first Mac and set of to explore the world as an Apple maniac. Now, 10 months later, he has finally begun to write about his experience.

From his blog:

Macify me is an attempt to document my first year as a Mac user. The idea is to try out some of the many myths and (mis?)conceptions around Apple, Mac and iEverything. I’ve decided to put myself in the role of the guinea pig and let all the good, the bad and the ugly of Apple Mac get into my life.

In short – macify me !

Top 5 Spiders Visiting

I guess you all know how search engines index the web. They send robots, or spiders, to surf the web and collect information about different pages. About a week ago I installed StatPress on my WordPress installation to collect some statistics about my visitors. 

StatPress is a plug-in for WordPress which allows for real-time statistics about visitors. It reports most popular posts, browsers, search terms used to find your blog and also which search company visits your site most frequently.

In these 7  days I’ve had StatPress installed it has collected the following information about the search companies indexing my site. The results are in percentage of visitors recognized by StatPress as spiders:

  • Baidu – 34.2% (344 visits)
  • Google – 14.7% (148 visits)
  • Yahoo! – 11.4% (115 visits)
  • MSN – 7.7% (77 visits)
  • Radian6 – 7.5% (75 visits)

The latter one I haven’t even heard about, but apparently they’re working on social media. Or in their own words:

“Radian6 created tools to help remove the barriers to effective social media monitoring and analysis.”

This list may not be 100% accurate since StatPress only lists spiders which is know to it. At least I think that’s what it does, because I have yet to see a single entry from any Norwegian search engine. But then again, maybe they’re not aggressive enough to get onto the list?

VI Client and VMware Server

Found a nice tip for using VMwares Infrastructure Client to manage VMware Server, a product which is usually managed via web interface. The tip is to simply add the port number of the web interface after the server name or ip address in Infrastructure Client. I.e. “servername:8333”, where 8333 is the default port number for VMware Servers web interface.

The reason for this is most likely that VMware Server is installed as an application on top of an operating system. This underlying operating system might very well use the default SSL port number, 443, for its own web service already.

However; If you’re running VMware Server exclusively, it should be possible to change the port number of the web interface to 443, thus avoiding this issue all together. At least my guess is that this will work.

If you want a free hypervisor, but don’t want the trouble of maintaining an underlying operating system, I would recommend taking a look at VMware ESXi. I’ve written a blog post about it. The only reason, as I can see, to run VMware Server is the hardware support, since the operating system takes care of this. VMware ESXi has limited hardware support by default. But there are ways to get support for SATA controllers, among other things.

Also; You might want to check out Citrix XenServer, which also has been released for free. This is a bare-metal hypervisor, meaning you don’t need an underlying operating system. But I don’t have any experience with XenServer, so I can’t really give any advice or tips yet.

